Wireless Install

Over-deliver in terms of value

Our methodology is simple and anyone can follow it. We are very thorough and provide a complete WiFi installation service.

Starting with the plan, we confirm the correct type of cable has been installed to all locations and if not we provide a service to install, certify and label infrastructure cabling.  

We know AP's need to be close to users. Its to do with FSPL. We don't just blindly mount AP's to a 40ft truss in a warehouse but ask if the designer provided a height and mounting plan. If none was provided we offer an APoS  service to validate the design prior to installation. The benefits are obvious - 100% chances of a wireless deployment are now within reach. 

AP's are labelled, cables are labelled. All this information is provided on the drawings returned to the client. We also track MAC addresses of all devices and their corresponding mounting locations. This makes troubleshooting easy. 

One recommendations as experiances installers is to put 2 cables to each AP. One for the we 
No install is complete without testing. 

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